Monday, June 2, 2008

Week 6

Good news everybody, the date is set! Our End of Season Kickball Party will be Saturday, June 21st at 330 Ritch! More details to come!

Now on with the blog...

I dunno about you guys, but I feel like death. Thankfully I survived Week 6, and will live to tell the tales that emanate from it. Word to the wise, Jager Bombs are the purveyors of liver destruction, and I will no longer try to showa in that sh*t (warning not safe for work).

Game Recaps:

Sleazy Bandeeze 5 Drunkaroos 4: Well now! Sleazy gets a quality win, against a tough opponent to go along with however many losses they've collected this season, not bad. Bravo my friends ( I'm only teasing cause my team plays 'em next week). Tough break for the Roos who were nipping at Morningwood's heels until this defeat. Has Sleazy turned the corner and remembered how to win? Time and a matchup against Sunkiss Our Balls next Sunday will certainly tell. Good luck to the Roos in their battle with McLovin next week too!
Sunkiss Our Balls 10 Afternoon Delights 3: The SOB's (hmm, interesting) showed up Sunday ready to dominate after the 2 week hiatus, and dominate they did. The AD's put up a good fight and went down kicking, loading up the bases in the 5th inning, but couldn't capitalize on their efforts. The Balls got the runs going early off a sweet kick from Clara that brought in 4 runs (bases were loaded) and hung on to win by playing some good defense. Props go to Leia for the sweet pop-up-falling-on-her-ass catch during the game.
Menace 2 Sobriety 1 Bagpipers 0 (forfeit, and paper forfeit): Well as much as I'd like to tip my hat to M2S for their win this past Sunday, they can't take the credit for it. It was really a valiant effort by the BP's to avoid embarrassment by forfeiting their game, and opting out of reffing any subsequent games thereafter. I hope the Bagpipers can bounce back next week at least, cause we miss 'em. Thankfully the SF Natives and I Am McLovin stepped in so M2S could at least play a pickup game on Sunday, gotta love the league camaraderie.
Playground Bullies 5 Everlasting Gobstoppers 2: This was a closely contested matchup with the EG's turning it on in the later innings. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to stop those Playground Bullies as they got another one in the Win column. Look for the EG's to bounce back from this defeat, and the PB's to continue to dominate off of good defensive play and team spirit.
PODYatrists 9 Dogballs 1: From watching this game as a spectator its hard to believe the score was so one-sided. The Dogballs really put on a good show, but the PODY's proved to have too much firepower for 'em, bringing home 9 runs and keeping the DB's at bay. Tough luck for you Dogballers, you'll get that first win soon with continued efforts like this past Sunday though!
SF Natives 2 I Am McLovin 3: Well McLovin is righting their ship and hitting 500 with this victory. I can't believe the SF Natives lost though, doesn't having Nash Bridges (Don Johnson) on your team count for anything these days!? Tough break Natives, maybe you'll have better luck this weekend though when 80's apparel is in fashion once again, speaking of which...

Seventh Inning Stretch:

So outside of the super-awesome Beer Golf Bar Crawl we have setup for this week (golfer apparel recommended - more deets on the facebook event's page) we've also got a pretty tubular themed kickball day coming up!

That's right Sunday is I LOVE THE 80'S kickball day, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that's psyched about this (eh hem Jakob of Team SF Natives, back me up here), but there are some of you out there who might have forgotten how ridiculously awesome the 80's really were! Allow me to assist all of you in remembering, and increase your excitement levels (not to mention clothing options).

1980: John Lennon is assasinated, Mt. St. Helens Erupts and Saddam Hussein launches war against Iran... Wait, wait, wait, wait... That came out ALL wrong! I'm not trying to give you a boring history lesson here, I'm trying to enlighten you all to the awesomeness that prevailed throughout this most amazing decade! Hmm, lemme see here, what else happened... Oh yeah, Airplane! and Caddyshack hit the big screen (I think we can all agree the preview format has gotten a lot better since then)! Disco went the way of the buffalo (thank GOD!) and wearing a sportcoat and slacks was finally the "in" way to dress (proven by George Costanza himself), unless you were a fan of Pat Benatar that is!
1981: I think we can safely say this was THE YEAR OF MTV! The home PC was finally available, prompting yuppies everwhere to put down their phone and run out to buy something that you couldn't even play videogames on! Speaking of which, this is also the year of Pac Man, King Kong and all those other Atari games you know and love came to life!
1982: The year I was born, which is pretty awesome, right, no!? Screw you then!!!! Okay, so outside of that you've also gotta remember that this was the year Rocky fought Mr (I pity da fo') T and Fastimes at Ridgemont High hit the big screen (witness Sean Penn in his most amazing performance ever)! Oh yeah, and you gotta love this year for man's most trendiest hairstyle to date! That's right, the "Business in front, party in back" look finally got the recognition it truly deserved, Thanks Canada! Oh, and don't worry, spandex finally hits the main stream this year too with the help of Olivia Newton-John and her new pickup line turned music video (warning, this video will make you gay, unless you happen to be already... In which case, I still wouldn't watch this video).
1983: The hits just keep coming! I'm talking Michael Jackson, Clark W. Griswold, Risky Business, Tony Montana's lil' friend, Rio, Flash Dance (the leggings and spandex love continues), David Hasselhoff (Germany hails him as their messiah), Alex P. Keaton and Madonna!
1984: More Modonna, more hair, and more cult classics; Footloose (white people dancing, without booze!? Insanity I say!), Sixteen Candles, and This is Spinal Tap to name a few. Van Halen might have hit the mainstream scene, but George Michael and Wham obviously stole the show! And this one's for Jakob; Don Johnson made it even more cool to wear your sport jacket, with pastel colored t-shirts, life is good! Oh, and since it broke down the box office last year, Transformers popped on the scene, and into toy stores across America!
1985: Only a few years left of the 80's you say? Oh, but it just gets better with time! That's cause 1985 was all about partyin' all the time with Macgyver (funny parody), the members of the Brat Pack and still bigger hair! Speaking of the 80's don't ya just wanna go back (to the future...)!?
1986: Most of you might have been in grade school then, but who didn't wanna take a Day Off once and a while!? Who could even try to wash out of the brain the likes of Alf, Crocodile Dundee, Bill Cosby, MAVERICK & ICE MAN (not to mention the best pickup scene in movie history), and every stay-at-home mom's God!?
1987: Really? You need ME to tell you how awesome 1987 was? Okay, 3 words; Jon Bon Jovi! I could go on, but we all know Bon Jovi made 1987 his bitch and finally earned New Jersey some respect.
1988: Perfect Strangers made us long for a trip to beatiful island of Mypos in 1988. Yo! MTV Raps finally broke lose, Die Hard was blowing up in theaters, and Guns and Roses were blaring over our speakers.
1989: Whew, this is taking me a while, but its alright cause I'm Saved By the Bell (funny parody)! New Kids on the Block rocked the Berlin wall down single-handidly, Millie Vanilli got us blamin' it on the rain, Bill and Ted had an Excellent Adventure, Nintendo gave us the Game Boy, the Simpson's gave us a late-night cartoon, and Meg Ryan taught us men that women CAN actually fake orgasms! Wow, was that as good for you as it was for me!?

So there you have it! Think someone, thing, or event is missing from my recap!? Hit up the comments section on this blog and let us all know!

And don't forget to dress up for I LOVE THE 80'S this Sunday! Or about the golf-a-rific Beer Golf Bar Crawl this Saturday!

Pointless Predictions:

1. Jakob will show up for I LOVE THE 80'S next Sunday pimped out in sweet Miami Vice gear, and it will be as awesome as it was this week.
2. Morningwood will be back in action, trying to restore their dignity after losing to the Best Coast Ballers on Sunday in an exhibition match.
3. Its Sleazy Bandeezee versus Sunkiss Our Balls in a late matchup this week, expect some serious sh*t-talking and kickballing to go down.
4. Drunkaroos take on McLovin in the first round of games on Sunday, could be a good matchup. Expect the Roos to come out on top, but McLovin has an outside chance of taking 'em down.
5. Everyone shows up wearing sweet ass golfing threads for the Beer Golf Bar Crawl and takes over every bar they visit in North Beach (check out the facebook event page on the right).

Poll of the Week:

If you guys wanna suggest a poll, maybe I'll put it up. I've got nothing.

Picture of the Week:

Team Morningwood stole the Best Coast Baller's Elephant Mascot (the pink team from Thursday night) and then Scotty B. made it his b*tch lover.

Players of the Week:

Captains or teammates please make your suggestions to me via e-mail (!

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:

This our RPOTW winner, pretty tame when compared with the stuff from Week 5.

Quick Kicks:
1. Don't forget about Alpha Bar this week on Wednesday night!
3. Check out the Beer Golf Bar Crawl this Saturday night!
2. Don't forget this Sunday's theme is I LOVE THE 80'S, wear your best threads & gear from back in the day and come ready to play! I expect to see a lot of big hair, knee highs, jean jackets, pastel clothes, and smiling faces!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your slow, for the first time ever the WAKA site has posted before you!!!