Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 9

SF Natives maintain the #1 spot heading into the post-season, the 12 Step Sloshers fell to the Balls of Glory and Morningwood came out on top against SAAS. Week 9 was pretty crazy, check out the blog to see how it all played out and for details on our upcoming events!

Important League Dates (UPDATED):_________________________________

Saturday, October 25, 2008: SLOSHBALL! That's right, we're gonna have a few rounds of sloshball at Hamilton Field this upcoming Saturday (since we got booted from G.G. Park on Sunday for another round of playoffs). Come out from 11:30-2PM for some quality action, in a largely bum-free zone and bring friends! The more the merrier! Click here to view a Google Map for directions.

Saturday, November 1, 2008: This is the date of our End-O-Season Prom Party. This party will be taking place at The Cellar starting at 7PM. We're combining with the Gold Rush Kickball Division, and will have the place all to ourselves from 7-10PM, and thereafter will get a private room from 10-11PM (the silver room). Vertigo members will be admitted for free from 7PM-10PM and there will be $3 kamikaze shots, $3 budweiser, and $5 well drinks all night! Along with that, the place will be "Open Bar" until our $3,000.00 tab limit is reached! This is a "Prom Themed" party all attendants are encouraged to wear prom specific attire (either fashionable or maybe something crazy from the 80's), and to bring dates! Guest fees, for non-Vertigo attendants are $5, and that will go towards our league charity.

Totally Awesome Prom Party - Check
Drink Specials - $3 Bud, Kamikaze Shots, and $5 Well drinks all night!
Open Bar - From 7PM-Whenever our $3K tab runs dry, so come EARLY!
Space to ourselves - From 7-10 the whole bar is ours, from 10-11 we get a private room!
Money for charity - $5 for non-kickballers goes to our league charity, so bring dates!
Prom King & Queen - Yes, we'll have those too!

Sunday, November 2, 2008: THE PLAYOFFS! That's right everything kicks off at 1PM on the Sunday following our Prom Party and will run until 4PM - then after that we head to the bar to celebrate one last time! The playoff picture will be announced shortly, but for those teams that are ineligible, we'll have a few games of sloshball going on at a different field (from the playoff games) so people can still have a great time! As the playoffs wind down, the teams that get eliminated can join in on the sloshball action before we travel en masse to Blackthorn Tavern.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008: This is when we'll have our Charity Bash starting at 8PM and going till 12PM. It will take place at Fish Bowl Bar & Grill located at 1854 Divisadero St. Members from the Vertigo Board will be behind the bar mixing drinks (so you *could* potentially get some heavy pours) and all CASH TIPS will go to our Charity! We will be donating our charitable proceeds to the Daly City Recreational Center's after school programs. Their after school programs are designed to keep kids active and off the streets, and we think they're worthy of our support! Please plan on attending this event (which will take place after the season is over) so we can raise some money and catch up with one another! Tell your friends, as all are welcome to attend. The more, the merrier!


Captains send recaps, recaps end up here. Captains don't send recaps, your team gets no love ( and don't forget to send in player of the week nominations too!

SF Natives:
SF natives secured the #1 spot headed into the playoffs, being the only team to go undefeated all season long. Once again we showed up in full force, united and full of team spirit! Sleazy was an honorable opponent however as neither team was able to score, with the game ending in a 0-0 tie.

Balls of Glory:
Sticking to our new team motto, "Don't Suck," B.O.G. didn't suck this Sunday... And after thrashing the 12-Steppers we rocked the shenanigans outta Blackthorn Tavern at the flip cup tables.

Team Deathballs:
We're mean, we're green, and our hair smells like cinnamon. This Sunday we showed up in full force and got our second win of the season due to a forfeit. Rock on! Which is exactly what we did after our game at Blackthorn.

Team SAAS:

12 Step Sloshers:
Sloshers did a good deed and "gave" Balls of Glory their first win for the season. After beating Sleazy a few weeks ago, we thought it would be nice for other teams to feel some glory this season. So with that being said the final score of the 12 Step Sloshers vs. Balls of Glory game was 1-6.

PS: Come to kickball prom b*tches!!!

Sleazy Bandeezee:
Our cat's breath smells like cat food, our captain doesn't believe in providing recaps (despite being a WAKA Representative), we think Charles is dead sexy, and we aren't very good a kickball... O'Doyle Rules!

Frisco Donkeys:
Had a blast on Sunday, even though our captains bailed on us a long time ago. Expect to see some of us this weekend too!

With the return of our league President and a few more odd balls coming out in support we were able to stomp out the uprising from SAAS and win our game by a close margin of 1-0. It was a tough defensive matchup, with both teams making good plays on the field, but in the end we out strategerized Team SAAS and walked away with the Win. Now we've got our eyes on the prize and those SF Natives in our sights!

Photo(s) of the Week:_____________________________________________

In the huddle with the SF Natives.
From Week 9

Balls of Glory flippin' it at the bar.
From Week 9

JB and Lundin, so hot right now...
From Week 9

Can you spot the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in this picture?
From Week 9

SF Natives Cheer Squad.
From Week 9

Pointless Predicitions:____________________________________________

1) WAKA will refund us some money for kicking us off our own fields this past Sunday?
2) Blackthorn Tavern is probably one of the best post-kickball bars we've ever had... That's not really a prediction huh?
3) I will have to somehow censor Team SAAS's recap on the weekend, for like the 30th time this season.
4) I will quit my job and start kickball blogging full-time.
5) Rob Ray, Matt Sullivan, Jeremiah Boehner, Tom Lanahan and everyone else that plays in 2-3 kickball leagues will join a 3rd or 4th kickball league next season.
6) Alex P. Keaton will win the general election this year, after a hard fought late October campaign rally.
7) More than 5 people will read this blog.
8) You have a dickfore on your forehead.
9) Race Car spelled backwards is Race Car.
10) I've clearly lost interest in making predictions.
11) Who would win in a fight Indian Jones or James Bond? Which one would you rather be?

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:____________________________________

I'm an awful human being.
From Week 9

The most awkward range of emotions in one picture ever (from L to R: Surprised, Angry, Happy, Crazy and Depressed).
From Week 9

Keith & Kyle falling in love with the floor.
From Week 9

Players of the Week:______________________________________________

Captains submit your players of the week to!

Morningwood has decided that Charles Lantz should be our Player of the Week 'cause he's awesome, and because nobody suggested anyone else. Charles always takes time out of his day to write up our Newsletters, and is also our league Vice President. He did a terrific job taking care of things while Matt was working/vacationing in Europe, and we are currently building a statue of him in honor of all his hard work.

Oh, and by "Morningwood has decided that..." I really meant "Charles has decided that he should be the player of the week."

Oh, and also the remaining members of the Frisco Donkeys that post every week, even though their team totally bailed on them a long time ago. That sucks guys, but we love you for posting all the time and rocking the sh*t outta the bar scene afterwards! Thanks for being such great sports!

Quotes of the Week:______________________________________________

Frisco Donkey Player: You can talk sh*t after you grab my balls on the field.

Transcript from e-mails between June M. & Charles L. last week:
June: By the way we're 4-3-1! Change the blog!
Charles: No you're not, you would have to play 1 more game than EVERYONE ELSE in order to be 4-3-1. Remember Week 5 was Sloshball and didn't count, we've only had 7 games so far.
June: firstoffihavenospacebar.secondwedidplayonemoregamethananyoneelseWEARESAASBITCHES!!

Quick Kicks:____________________________________________________

1) Our Charity Bash will be starting at 8PM on Wednesday, November 12th at Fish Bowl Bar & Grill on Divisadero St. Have a few drinks for charity, and reconnect with your friends from kickball season!
2) Don't forget about our End-O-Season Prom Party either! Spread the news and bring dates!
3) Check out ALPHA BAR on October 29th, at Cigar Bar (North Beach/FiDi area)! Details in the Social Chair section.
4) Check out the blog for details on our Playoffs!


Cap'n Rob said...

Good work, Natives, let's carry that momentum into the playoffs!

Balls... that is all!


Anonymous said...

When are playoffs???