Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 9

SF Natives maintain the #1 spot heading into the post-season, the 12 Step Sloshers fell to the Balls of Glory and Morningwood came out on top against SAAS. Week 9 was pretty crazy, check out the blog to see how it all played out and for details on our upcoming events!

Important League Dates (UPDATED):_________________________________

Saturday, October 25, 2008: SLOSHBALL! That's right, we're gonna have a few rounds of sloshball at Hamilton Field this upcoming Saturday (since we got booted from G.G. Park on Sunday for another round of playoffs). Come out from 11:30-2PM for some quality action, in a largely bum-free zone and bring friends! The more the merrier! Click here to view a Google Map for directions.

Saturday, November 1, 2008: This is the date of our End-O-Season Prom Party. This party will be taking place at The Cellar starting at 7PM. We're combining with the Gold Rush Kickball Division, and will have the place all to ourselves from 7-10PM, and thereafter will get a private room from 10-11PM (the silver room). Vertigo members will be admitted for free from 7PM-10PM and there will be $3 kamikaze shots, $3 budweiser, and $5 well drinks all night! Along with that, the place will be "Open Bar" until our $3,000.00 tab limit is reached! This is a "Prom Themed" party all attendants are encouraged to wear prom specific attire (either fashionable or maybe something crazy from the 80's), and to bring dates! Guest fees, for non-Vertigo attendants are $5, and that will go towards our league charity.

Totally Awesome Prom Party - Check
Drink Specials - $3 Bud, Kamikaze Shots, and $5 Well drinks all night!
Open Bar - From 7PM-Whenever our $3K tab runs dry, so come EARLY!
Space to ourselves - From 7-10 the whole bar is ours, from 10-11 we get a private room!
Money for charity - $5 for non-kickballers goes to our league charity, so bring dates!
Prom King & Queen - Yes, we'll have those too!

Sunday, November 2, 2008: THE PLAYOFFS! That's right everything kicks off at 1PM on the Sunday following our Prom Party and will run until 4PM - then after that we head to the bar to celebrate one last time! The playoff picture will be announced shortly, but for those teams that are ineligible, we'll have a few games of sloshball going on at a different field (from the playoff games) so people can still have a great time! As the playoffs wind down, the teams that get eliminated can join in on the sloshball action before we travel en masse to Blackthorn Tavern.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008: This is when we'll have our Charity Bash starting at 8PM and going till 12PM. It will take place at Fish Bowl Bar & Grill located at 1854 Divisadero St. Members from the Vertigo Board will be behind the bar mixing drinks (so you *could* potentially get some heavy pours) and all CASH TIPS will go to our Charity! We will be donating our charitable proceeds to the Daly City Recreational Center's after school programs. Their after school programs are designed to keep kids active and off the streets, and we think they're worthy of our support! Please plan on attending this event (which will take place after the season is over) so we can raise some money and catch up with one another! Tell your friends, as all are welcome to attend. The more, the merrier!


Captains send recaps, recaps end up here. Captains don't send recaps, your team gets no love ( and don't forget to send in player of the week nominations too!

SF Natives:
SF natives secured the #1 spot headed into the playoffs, being the only team to go undefeated all season long. Once again we showed up in full force, united and full of team spirit! Sleazy was an honorable opponent however as neither team was able to score, with the game ending in a 0-0 tie.

Balls of Glory:
Sticking to our new team motto, "Don't Suck," B.O.G. didn't suck this Sunday... And after thrashing the 12-Steppers we rocked the shenanigans outta Blackthorn Tavern at the flip cup tables.

Team Deathballs:
We're mean, we're green, and our hair smells like cinnamon. This Sunday we showed up in full force and got our second win of the season due to a forfeit. Rock on! Which is exactly what we did after our game at Blackthorn.

Team SAAS:

12 Step Sloshers:
Sloshers did a good deed and "gave" Balls of Glory their first win for the season. After beating Sleazy a few weeks ago, we thought it would be nice for other teams to feel some glory this season. So with that being said the final score of the 12 Step Sloshers vs. Balls of Glory game was 1-6.

PS: Come to kickball prom b*tches!!!

Sleazy Bandeezee:
Our cat's breath smells like cat food, our captain doesn't believe in providing recaps (despite being a WAKA Representative), we think Charles is dead sexy, and we aren't very good a kickball... O'Doyle Rules!

Frisco Donkeys:
Had a blast on Sunday, even though our captains bailed on us a long time ago. Expect to see some of us this weekend too!

With the return of our league President and a few more odd balls coming out in support we were able to stomp out the uprising from SAAS and win our game by a close margin of 1-0. It was a tough defensive matchup, with both teams making good plays on the field, but in the end we out strategerized Team SAAS and walked away with the Win. Now we've got our eyes on the prize and those SF Natives in our sights!

Photo(s) of the Week:_____________________________________________

In the huddle with the SF Natives.
From Week 9

Balls of Glory flippin' it at the bar.
From Week 9

JB and Lundin, so hot right now...
From Week 9

Can you spot the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in this picture?
From Week 9

SF Natives Cheer Squad.
From Week 9

Pointless Predicitions:____________________________________________

1) WAKA will refund us some money for kicking us off our own fields this past Sunday?
2) Blackthorn Tavern is probably one of the best post-kickball bars we've ever had... That's not really a prediction huh?
3) I will have to somehow censor Team SAAS's recap on the weekend, for like the 30th time this season.
4) I will quit my job and start kickball blogging full-time.
5) Rob Ray, Matt Sullivan, Jeremiah Boehner, Tom Lanahan and everyone else that plays in 2-3 kickball leagues will join a 3rd or 4th kickball league next season.
6) Alex P. Keaton will win the general election this year, after a hard fought late October campaign rally.
7) More than 5 people will read this blog.
8) You have a dickfore on your forehead.
9) Race Car spelled backwards is Race Car.
10) I've clearly lost interest in making predictions.
11) Who would win in a fight Indian Jones or James Bond? Which one would you rather be?

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:____________________________________

I'm an awful human being.
From Week 9

The most awkward range of emotions in one picture ever (from L to R: Surprised, Angry, Happy, Crazy and Depressed).
From Week 9

Keith & Kyle falling in love with the floor.
From Week 9

Players of the Week:______________________________________________

Captains submit your players of the week to!

Morningwood has decided that Charles Lantz should be our Player of the Week 'cause he's awesome, and because nobody suggested anyone else. Charles always takes time out of his day to write up our Newsletters, and is also our league Vice President. He did a terrific job taking care of things while Matt was working/vacationing in Europe, and we are currently building a statue of him in honor of all his hard work.

Oh, and by "Morningwood has decided that..." I really meant "Charles has decided that he should be the player of the week."

Oh, and also the remaining members of the Frisco Donkeys that post every week, even though their team totally bailed on them a long time ago. That sucks guys, but we love you for posting all the time and rocking the sh*t outta the bar scene afterwards! Thanks for being such great sports!

Quotes of the Week:______________________________________________

Frisco Donkey Player: You can talk sh*t after you grab my balls on the field.

Transcript from e-mails between June M. & Charles L. last week:
June: By the way we're 4-3-1! Change the blog!
Charles: No you're not, you would have to play 1 more game than EVERYONE ELSE in order to be 4-3-1. Remember Week 5 was Sloshball and didn't count, we've only had 7 games so far.
June: firstoffihavenospacebar.secondwedidplayonemoregamethananyoneelseWEARESAASBITCHES!!

Quick Kicks:____________________________________________________

1) Our Charity Bash will be starting at 8PM on Wednesday, November 12th at Fish Bowl Bar & Grill on Divisadero St. Have a few drinks for charity, and reconnect with your friends from kickball season!
2) Don't forget about our End-O-Season Prom Party either! Spread the news and bring dates!
3) Check out ALPHA BAR on October 29th, at Cigar Bar (North Beach/FiDi area)! Details in the Social Chair section.
4) Check out the blog for details on our Playoffs!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 8

In case you missed it we only have 1 number one team this week! SF Natives out played Morningwood Sunday to take over the first place spot out-right.

What else did you miss and what's on tap? Well check things out below to start living in the know.

Word to the wise: for those of you who've been missing in action, we've only got about 2 weeks left, so try to make your games and our events (like ALPHA BAR, the End-O-Season Party and our Charity Bash) before you miss out on all the fun!


Captains send recaps, recaps end up here. Captains don't send recaps, your team gets no love ( and don't forget to send in player of the week nominations too!

SF Natives:

Balls of Glory:
Despite almost having to forfeit, B.O.G. actually played a real game this week...And unfortunately got fairly demolished by Team SAAS, 6-0. We blame it on a lack of beer and the ridiculous amount of hippies/bums on the field. However, B.O.G. more than made up for it during flip cup afterwards!

Team Deathballs:

Team SAAS:
SAAS came out this past Sunday and kicked some Balls of Glory ASS! Wooh! SAAS dominated the B.O.G.'s, ending the game 6-0. They will be back in full force this Sunday to show Boringwood WHATS UP! Be scared, we eat babies for breakfast! On a not-so-sad note; SAAS will be down a player, specifically their pitcher, due to a FREAK accident… It was those damn man-eating-gophers again.. However, the games must go on, and Charlie "My mullet is better than Charles Lantz's" Blahahaha will be taking his place, and BRINGING IT to the field B*TCHES!!

12 Step Sloshers:
We forfeited again, and we probably won't send Charles a recap either, cause he's gross and probably has kooties.

Sleazy Bandeezee:
Charles tried to get us to forfeit, but right before we had to, our missing player showed up, and we got the W.

Frisco Donkeys:
Still exists, despite evidence to the contrary.

We got demolished. It wasn't pretty. I blame the large influx of bums to our fields for this loss. Maybe it was the second-hand high, I dunno, but something was off. We'll see if we can't regroup before out next regular season match.

Important League Dates:____________________________________________

Saturday, October 25, 2008: Our End of the Season Tournament will be held on this day. The games will be played on the HAMILTON RECREATIONAL FIELDS located between GEARY BLVD & POST ST at SCOTT ST. Click here to view a Google Map for directions. The tournament will kick-off in the morning (around 11AM), further details will be sent your way closer to the date. This change was necessary due to field availability following our regular season.

Saturday, November 1, 2008: This is the date of our End-O-Season Party. This party will be taking place at The Cellar starting at 8PM. Vertigo members will be admitted for free from 8PM-10PM. There will also be a "Prom Theme" for this party. All attendants are encouraged to wear prom specific attire (either fashionable or maybe something crazy from the 80's), and to bring dates! We're working on having the guest fees ($5) go towards our league charity. Further details will be posted here soon regarding the party as we're still ironing details out now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008: This is when we'll have our Charity Bash starting at 9PM and going till 12PM. It will take place at Fish Bowl Bar & Grill located at 1854 Divisadero St. Members from the Vertigo Board will be behind the bar mixing drinks (so you *could* potentially get some heavy pours) and all CASH TIPS will go to our Charity! We will be donating our charitable proceeds to the Daly City Recreational Center's after school programs. Their after school programs are designed to keep kids active and off the streets, and we think they're worthy of our support! Please plan on attending this event (which will take place after the season is over) so we can raise some money and catch up with one another! Tell your friends, as all are welcome to attend. The more, the merrier!

Photo(s) of the Week:_____________________________________________

The Mileses's...
From Week 8

Michelle C. and the coolest park dweller we know.
From Week 8

The SF Natives are number 1 (for now).
From Week 8

Some B.O.G.'s at the bar.
From Week 8

Pointless Predicitions:____________________________________________

1) Matthew Sullivan will roam the fields and talk about how bad Morningwood is gonna beat the SF Natives (or everyone) in the playoffs.
2) Team SAAS's attempt to trounce Morningwood will be foiled.
3) There will be less forfeits this week due to the later starting time.
4) MORE IMPORANTLY! There will be less bums in the park!
5) Frisco Donkeys will show up en masse and win their last regular season game... Mmm, not so much probably.
6) Everyone will start talking about the End of Season Party, and how badass its gonna be.

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:____________________________________

We lost:
From Week 8

And I was NOT happy about that.
From Week 8

This photo is just random, and it also features a few crazy bums in the background... What a wierd Sunday that was.
From Week 8

Players of the Week:______________________________________________

Captains submit your players of the week to!

I'm throwing my 2 cents in this week, as I think Bill Miles should get the nod for his nifty slide into homebase during the SF Natives vs Morningwood game. Right as he was charging towards home on an over-throw, Brian Francis (of Morningwood) tossed me the ball, but before I could get my arms out to tag him he was already sliding into base. He took me, the base, and almost the ball with him. I tried to argue that I had the ball as he slid into home, but because the bases weren't loaded it couldn't be called a forced out. Hats off to him... He almost made me bleed my own blood. Luckily I've got some thick skin, cause nobody makes me bleed my own blood! Honorable mention goes to Greg, their closer, for preventing Morningwood from getting back in the game.

Balls of Glory's unanimous player of the game was Phyllis Liu, who saved their team by making grabs that rivaled anything that Nastia Liukin can do; one amazing catch after another. The B.O.G.'s think she kicked ass last Sunday!

Quick Kicks:____________________________________________________

2) Our Charity Bash will be starting at 9PM on Wednesday, November 12th at Fish Bowl Bar & Grill on Divisadero St. Have a few drinks for charity, and reconnect with your friends from kickball season!
3) Please keep in mind the field and date change for our End of the Season Tournament!
4) Don't forget about our End-O-Season Party either, more deets on that soon!
5) ALPHA BAR, next Wednesday the 15th, will be at The Bus Stop swing on by at 7PM or soon thereafter to fraternize with members of the league and other cool folks! You might just make some new best friends.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 7

Lots happening these days Vertigo, we just had our Mid-Season party, we've got our End-O-Season festivities on the horizon and soon after that we have our big charity bash in November after the season has expired (details on that in the blog).

For now, lets take a look back on Week 7 (White Trash Day) and all the craziness that transpired.

Word to the wise: for those of you who've been missing in action, we've only got about 3 weeks left, so try to make your games and our events (like ALPHA BAR, the End-O-Season Party and our Charity Bash) before you miss out on all the fun!


Captains send recaps, recaps end up here. Captains don't send recaps, your team gets no love ( and don't forget to send in player of the week nominations too!

SF Natives:
The Natives and our competition, Balls of Glory, joined forces this week in a fun game of Slosh Ball where they destroyed the competition. Good times were had by all, and the Native's are still undefeated after a continuously strong showing all season long. Think you can mess with us!? Keep dreaming!

Balls of Glory:
We were too busy putting together our White Trash outfits to keep track of time, so we missed our game and had to forfeit. We may be down, but we're not out! Don't blink next week, cause you just might miss us rounding third base for home!

Team Deathballs:
We lost to Sleazy on the field, but we won back all our dignity at the bar! That's how we do it on the green team! Oh, you didn't know, well you better call somebody, cause that's how we roll!

Team SAAS:
SAAS was hoping to show their true domination over those birdnappers, the 12 step sloshers, but those cowards wouldn't even come out to play, so SAAS won by forfeit. SAAS wants to know, What?? Are you scared of us?? Were you all not held enough as children?? Do you think we will we eat your babies?? Well the baby eating might be true. And, you better watch out cause we have a new flock of mini flabongos who are hungry for action! What can we say; our Mascot's a whore, just like the rest of the team.

12 Step Sloshers:
We forfeited, for the first time ever this season. We also decided not to send Charles a recap. Sad days.

Sleazy Bandeezee:
Laid the smack down on yet another opponent this season. We came to get down, and that's exactly what we did! When are you fools gonna learn, you can't stop us, you can only *HOPE* to contain us!

Frisco Donkeys:
Still exists, despite evidence to the contrary, and sooner or later we'll get a win.

We won by default because our competitors, the Frisco Donkeys, had to forfeit. We also looked pretty badass in our White Trash attire, if we do say so ourselves.

Important League Dates:____________________________________________

Saturday, October 25, 2008: Our End of the Season Tournament will be held on this day. The games will be played on the HAMILTON RECREATIONAL FIELDS located between GEARY BLVD & POST ST at SCOTT ST. Click here to view a Google Map for directions. The tournament will kick-off in the morning (around 11AM), further details will be sent your way closer to the date. This change was necessary due to field availability following our regular season.

Saturday, November 1, 2008: This is the date of our End-O-Season Party. This party will be taking place at The Cellar starting at 8PM. Vertigo members will be admitted for free from 8PM-10PM. There will also be a "Prom Theme" for this party. All attendants are encouraged to wear prom specific attire (either fashionable or maybe something crazy from the 80's), and to bring dates! We're working on having the guest fees ($5) go towards our league charity. Further details will be posted here soon regarding the party as we're still ironing details out now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008: This is when we'll have our Charity Bash starting at 9PM and going till 12PM. It will take place at Fish Bowl Bar & Grill located at 1854 Divisadero St. Members from the Vertigo Board will be behind the bar mixing drinks (so you *could* potentially get some heavy pours) and all CASH TIPS will go to our Charity! We will be donating our charitable proceeds to the Daly City Recreational Center's after school programs. Their after school programs are designed to keep kids active and off the streets, and we think they're worthy of our support! Please plan on attending this event (which will take place after the season is over) so we can raise some money and catch up with one another! Tell your friends, as all are welcome to attend. The more, the merrier!

Photo(s) of the Week:_____________________________________________

We're just good ol' boys, never doin' no harm.
From Week 7

Andy came to get down at the Mid-Season party.
From Week 7

This is the white-trashiest looking flip cup table ever.
From Week 7

More White Trash pics in Rob Ray's Week 7 Album

Pointless Predicitions:____________________________________________

1) The guys who wore wife-beathers, or overalls to Golden Gate on Sunday will end up with awkward tan lines.
2) Frisco Donkeys show up on Sunday with a full squad and destroy their opponents (Sleazy Bandeezee)... Maybe... There's a chance... Hey, you never know!
3) The battle for the Number 1 spot goes down this weekend in a late game on Field #2 with Morningwood taking on the SF Natives. Who will win!? Well lemme tell you, it'll be Morningwood by 2. Boomshakalaka! (Am I biased? Maybe, but I gotta have faith in my own team, right!?)
4) Balls of Glory were on a hot streak, but after this past weekend its anyone's guess if they'll topple Team SAAS in a late matchup on Sunday. My money's on SAAS, that is if they don't go all-out at the bar on Saturday night.
5) The Sloshers forfeited for the first time all season this past weekend, but I have a feeling they'll be in full force this time around. Team Deathballs better call for backup, this could be a tough game!

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:____________________________________

No comment!
From Week 7

Obviously Jeremiah raided my closet the night before White Trash day, and stole my mullet/t-shirt ensemble.
From Week 7

As if drinking wasn't bad enough for the baby...
From Week 7

You really can't take us anywhere.
From Week 7

Well, I guess getting pregnant's good for something, right!?
From Week 7

More White Trash pics in Rob Ray's Week 7 Album

Players of the Week:______________________________________________

Captains submit your players of the week to!

Katie & Maureen O'Sullivan are Sleazy Bandeezee's players of the week for their skills at Flip Cup. Maureen & Katie demolished their competitors at Blackthorn Tavern, and are now holding open, round-robin tourney's to seek out new challengers. They were the last two standing after several rounds of King of The Hill, with the final victory going to Katie.

Andy Gutierrez of Morningwood is another player of the week. Andy's dedication to the team, skills on the grill, positive demeanor and overall awesomeness should be remembered and celebrated as he departs San Francisco for the sunnier weather and warmer waters surrounding his new home in San Diego. Bon voyage Andy, don't forget to visit (or keep an extra mattress handy for when we crash at your new pad)!

Quick Kicks:____________________________________________________

2) Our Charity Bash will be starting at 9PM on Wednesday, November 12th at Fish Bowl Bar & Grill on Divisadero St. Have a few drinks for charity, and reconnect with your friends from kickball season!
3) Please keep in mind the field and date change for our End of the Season Tournament!
4) Don't forget about our End-O-Season Party either, more deets on that soon!
5) ALPHA BAR, next Wednesday the 15th, will be at The Bus Stop swing on by at 7PM or soon thereafter to fraternize with members of the league and other cool folks! You might just make some new best friends.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 6

What's that in the sky!? A bird!? A plan!? No! Its the 12-Step Sloshers! That's right, the 12-Steppers won our theme for Week 6. If you missed that, check out all the other stuff you missed below!

Don't forget to arrive to the fields early this Sunday, or that our theme this week is "WHITE TRASH" or that our MID-SEASON PARTY is this SATURDAY at BUTTER, or that ALPHA BAR is this WEDNESDAY at AMANTE (starting at 7PM) in North Beach!

That's a lot to remember, but you kids are smart, I've got faith in you! Check below for more details on the Mid-Season Party, Theme for Sunday and Alpha Bar!

Mid-Season Party: ______________________________________________

We're having our Mid-Season Party this SATURDAY at BUTTER!

This party's going on in coordination with our White Trash theme day on October 5th! Butter is a trendy spot, known for repping the white-trash genre to the maximum! Take a look at their website (particularly the menu) and you'll catch our drift!

Go big or go home gang! Feel free to dress up at Butter for the theme, but definitely come prepared on Sunday! The team with the most players dressed in support of our theme gets money for pitchers of beer at our sponsor bar, the Blackthorn Tavern!

Need tips on how to look the part? Check out pics from this google search to get your ideas flowing: White Trash Party

Get pumped people! This party is gonna be COVER FREE to members of Vertigo (from 7-10). And, all our non-member friends that stop by only have to pay $5 to get in too! Oh, and did someone say SPECIALS!? That's right $3 "Tall Boys" and $5 Specialty Cocktails for us until 10PM!


Captains send recaps, recaps end up here. Captains don't send recaps, your team gets no love ( and don't forget to send in player of the week nominations too!

SF Natives:
SF Natives tied this week against Team SAAS 2 to 2, and we've still got a strangle hold on the first place title (although now we gotta share it with 2 other jokers). It was an intense game, as the competition had us on pins and needles half the time, but thanks to our tough defense and good base running we held on for the tie.

Balls of Glory:

Team Deathballs:

Team SAAS:
SAAS played a great game against the SF Natives and is happy that NO ONE LOST!!! While both teams played well, our team was singled out by recruiters for the Professional Kickball League, and we have been asked to compete in ESPN's Professional Kickball League finals this November. Since the Flabongo has been returned our team feels complete, and will look to win the first ESPN PKL Trophy very soon!

12 Step Sloshers:
"In all my years of playing kickball, I've never lost a game on my birthday." David Zetzer, 12 Step Sloshers

The 12 Step Sloshers BEAT (yes, you ready correctly) Sleazy Bandeeze by a score of 2-1 on Sunday. Sleazy scored 1 run in the first inning but with our super hero powers (and fancy capes) the Sloshers held Sleazy until the bottom of the 5th inning. Co-Captain Logan Presnell danced his way into home plate followed by Alex Carwil, who barely missed getting smashed in the nuts by the big-red-rubbery-ball, and leaped his way home. At that point, Sleazy bowed their heads and the Sloshers rushed the field. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have finally won a game out-right! The conclusion: David Zetzer's birthday should be every Sunday and he's a f*cking awesome cook!

Sleazy Bandeezee:

Frisco Donkeys:
Came out 6-deep in an attempt to face down their opponents, but due to WAKA regulations had to forfeit. Hats off to their players who decided to come out.

We won our game 12-5 against Team Deathballs the other day. We started out rocky, letting the DB's score 5 runs against us in 1 inning, but eventually we started to play tougher defense, and rocked home some good kicks to finish 7 points ahead of our opponents.

Photo(s) of the Week:_____________________________________________

The ladies of SAAS posing.
From Week 6

Sloshman versus Batman.
From Week 6

Batman needs a drink refresh... Fighting crime can make you thirsty!
From Week 6

Jeremiah scaring small children in his Superman underwear.
From Week 6

Wolverine FOR THE WIN!
From Week 6

Out of work superheros, who like to drink...
From Week 6

Pointless Predicitions:____________________________________________

1) Members of Vertigo will blend in with their surroundings on Sunday in the park... Mostly cause they'll be sporting White Trash ensembles!
2) The "drum line" behind field 2 will be in full effect, and I will bring my cardboard so we can breakdance in front of 'em.
3) SAAS vs 12-Steppers in an early matchup. Who's gonna win; I'm thinking 12-Steppers by forfeit. That seems to be a trend this season for the Sloshers.
4) Morningwood wins their match by forfeit as well probably, although I'd love Frisco Donkeys to prove me wrong here.
5) Cliff from Morningwood shows up rocking white trash apparel to the extreme, weeks after showing up sporting those same clothes on the wrong weekend.
6) 12-Steppers try to go all out with the theme for the 2nd week in a row, but end up facing some tough competition to win the grand-prize.
7) There remains a 3-way tie for first place in the league for the 2nd straight weekend.
8) SAAS's Flabongo, now returned to its rightful owners, gets tossed around the league like a $2 whore, satisfying everyone's thirst for light beer.
9) Kickballers, who like to drink & socialize, will be spotted at Amante this Wednesday taking it easy and talking about the weekend.
10) Tom Lanahan, our WAKA Rep and pitcher for Sleazy Bandeezee finally makes an appearance on Sunday?

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:____________________________________

There were so many of these Wolverine shots...
From Week 6

He tastes like schnozberries!
From Week 6

Randomness in the background, and "extra padding" in the foreground... Kidding.
From Week 6

Jeremiah being "that guy" in the background.
From Week 6

Players of the Week:______________________________________________

Captains submit your players of the week to!

Sabrina Hanavan is team Morningwood's Player of the Week for her 2 great defensive grabs against the Deathballs, even though 1 of them was on the opposite side of the field from her. She was all over the place on Sunday, and she even tried to catch a ball with her face! She got close, but unfortunately for her the ball bounced away. Someday Sabrina, someday, and make sure you get that caught on camera!

The SF Natives want to nominate Cat Pignati & Jeff Plank from their team as Players of the Week. Cat pulled off a powerful double play in their matchup against Team SAAS, grabbing a pop-up and tagging the SAAS base runner out at first. Jeff gets the nod for his tough pitching and multiple tag outs.

Clara Porter of Team SAAS is another player of the week. She gets some credit for her wicked-awesome superhero outfit. If you don't know who Clara is, she was the girl sporting the American flag, and looking like the Statue of Liberty. Honorable mention goes to the Flabongo for also sporting a cape in celebration of this past weekend's theme.

Quick Kicks:____________________________________________________

2) Don't forget about the MID-SEASON PARTY this SATURDAY at BUTTER!
3) ALPHA BAR is this WEDNESDAY at AMANTE! Details in the Social Chair Section!
4) Support our theme by wearing WHITE-TRASH apparel this SUNDAY!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Week 5

Well Week 5's all over and done with, and it turned out to be a pretty great time! For those of you who missed Sloshball Sunday, there's a recap below.

DON'T FORGET: This weekend is our "Superhero" Theme weekend. The team with the most participants sporting superhero garb gets mulla for pitches-o-beer at Blackthorn after the games!


Sloshball Sunday:
Well not all male and female members decided to post for all the teams set to play this Sunday, but no matter, we still had our fun. After having a few female captains come forward to pick players at random and make 2 teams, we went out and put together 3 solid innings of play for the 2PM squads. Along the way we came up with some good improvised rulings, like for instance drinking when you round the bases, making bunting an automatic out, loading up the field with all your players, clockwise base rotations, plays that counted for two outs... It all came together pretty nicely. You really couldn't beat the weather, or the positive energy on the field, as many players who participated in the early game decided to take part in the 3PM game as well. Due to a change in pitching styles there were quite a number of runs, but equally some terrific defensive plays typically made one-handed, while the other handed clutched and supported a beer. For anyone who decided to skip out, or couldn't make it you really missed some good times. Don't worry though, cause we're back in action this upcoming weekend, and hopefully we'll see you all out again soon!

Mid-Season Party: ______________________________________________

We're having our Mid-Season Party this fall at Butter on October 4th!

This party's going on in coordination with one of our theme weeks on October 5th! That theme is going to be White Trash. Butter is a trendy spot, known for repping the white-trash genre to the maximum! Take a look at their website (particularly the menu) and you'll catch our drift!

Go big or go home gang! Feel free to dress up at Butter for the theme, but definitely come prepared that following Sunday! The team with the most players dressed in support of our theme week gets money for pitchers of beer at our sponsor bar, the Blackthorn Tavern!

Need tips on how to look the part? Check out pics from this google search to get your ideas flowing: White Trash Party

Get pumped people! This party is gonna be COVER FREE to members of Vertigo. And, all our non-member friends that stop by only have to pay $5 to get in too! Oh, and did someone say SPECIALS!? That's right $3 "Tall Boys" and $5 Specialty Cocktails for us from 7PM until 10PM! That's when the bar will open up to the public, and their DJ will start getting his freak on!

Photo(s) of the Week:_____________________________________________

Michaela drinking and playing "Slap the Bag" - Thanks for supplying the wine Tiffanie!
From Week 5

Team Balls of Glory getting into some Flip Cup action!
From Week 5

Greg displaying proper Sloshball etiquette; kicking, running and drinking all at the same time.
From Week 5

Survivor Flip Cup. Tam vs Maureen vs Tiffanie.
From Week 5

Pointless Predictions:____________________________________________

1) Balls of Glory continues their strong(er) showing at the bar well into the end of the season. Eventually proving to us all that they're secretly kickball ninjas.
2) Tiffanie Wong of Morningwood will continue to fool people into drinking from her bag of "Franzia" until its later found out that she's secretly trying to poison us all! Kidding, the contents of the bag are delish, even if her version of slap the bag is different from my own.
3) Jeremiah Boehner of Sleazy Bandeezee will show up to the field still drunk from the day before, this isn't much of a prediction actually, its more like a known fact.
4) Sleazy versus 12 Step in an early matchup, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say 1) that this will be an intense game and 2) Sleazy will come out on top.
5) There will be a team totally decked out in Superhero outfits, and said team will score mulla for pitchers at Blackthorn after their game.
6) Rob Ray of team SF Natives will show up boasting about how he shaved a big Superman "S" emblem onto his ass. "Mooning" will thereafter ensue throughout the entire afternoon.
7) That's it for now!

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:____________________________________

Tiffanie's always appropriate.
From Week 5

And here's Dave giving the gnarly Flip Cup play-by-play.
From Week 5

Players of the Week:______________________________________________

Captains submit your players of the week to!

Tam Le & Maureen O'Brien of Balls of Glory and Team Deathballs respectively, for their strong "Survivor Flip Cup" showings at the bar post-Sloshball Sunday. Both were fierce competitors, with Maureen eventually besting Tam as well as the rest of the previous participants along the way. My hat's off to them for now, as their fifteen minutes of fame is set to expire by next Sunday undoubtedly. Honorable mention goes to Tiffanie Wong of Morningwood for her performance as well.

Quick Kicks:____________________________________________________

1) Mid-Season Party is at BUTTER on October 4th! Get psyched up for that and our for our White Trash theme week!
2) We're raising money for charity. Yes, that's correct. We'll be helping out others instead of ourselves for once. INSANITY! Deets on that soon too.
3) The theme for October 5th, which is Superheroes, as decided by the readers/voters in our poll has been moved to THIS SUNDAY!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week 4

Week 4's in the books, here's what went down in case you missed it!

Also, final plans for the the mid-season party will be posted this week, check out the blog section below for details!


Captains send recaps, recaps end up here. Captains don't send recaps, your team gets no love ( and don't forget to send in player of the week nominations too!

SF Natives:
SF Natives thrashed 12 Step Sloshers, 7-0. There was a bit of a disagreement about the game before it was played, due to Sully explaining that since HE got to the field late, that the Sloshers should be given some extra time to allow another girl from their team to post. Since the games were all called forfeits so swiftly the week before, this was upsetting, but Sully was pretty persistent. After the Sloshers found their missing link, our game kicked off. The end result of which, was us winning, and moving to the top of the ranks for the first time ever!

Balls of Glory:
Contrary to what people think, the mythical Balls of Glory are actually a legitimate team! Despite being called out in the last 3 blog posts, the team banded together and played a fantastic game. Sadly, the game did not count as the other team had forfeited. Leave it to us to play the best game of our short careers when it didn't count! Expect more good stuff from us down the road though!

Team Deathballs:

Team SAAS:
After being voted sexiest team in WAKA and simultaneously being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for all of our recent charity work, Team SAAS capped off the week by dismantiling our opponents this past Sunday. However, our team could not completely enjoy the accolades of annihilating the Frisco Donkeys 7 to 1 because our beloved friend and mascot, the Flabongo, wasn't there to share the glory.

12 Step Sloshers:
The time was 2:15:59pm and from across the lovely kickball green we see Angela Hastings carrying a 24 pack over her shoulder with diamonds in her ears from the night before. And that, ladies and gentlemen, saved the 12 Step Sloshers from having a taste of their own medicine - having to forfeit a game. So, we went on to play SF Natives and unfortunately lost 6-0 but that's okay because we enjoyed actually playing an official game for once.

Sleazy Bandeezee:
In an act of generosity, Team Sleazy, the orginial Vertigo Champs, decided to let Boringwood finally achieve their life long ambition of beating Sleazy on the kickball field and the flip cup table. We'd share more, but we're sure they'll fill you in on all the details themselves.

Frisco Donkeys:

Not that anyone should be surprised, but Morningwood defeated Team Sleazy this weekend by a score of 4 to zippy, nada, nill, ZERO! It all got going thanks to some strong kicking from Kirk/Chris/Sabrina/Matt and some solid defensive play all around. And after our game, we went on to beat them at the flip cup table too and won away the crown despite spotting them a 2-0 lead in the best of 5.

Mid-Season Party: ______________________________________________

We're having our Mid-Season Party this fall at Butter on October 4th!

This party's going on in coordination with one of our theme weeks on October 5th! That theme is going to be White Trash. Butter is a trendy spot, known for repping the white-trash genre to the maximum! Take a look at their website (particularly the menu) and you'll catch our drift!

Go big or go home gang! Feel free to dress up at Butter for the theme, but definitely come prepared that following Sunday! The team with the most players dressed in support of our theme week gets money for pitchers of beer at our sponsor bar, the Blackthorn Tavern!

Need tips on how to look the part? Check out pics from this google search to get your ideas flowing: White Trash Party

Get pumped people! This party is gonna be COVER FREE to members of Vertigo. We're still working out details on a cover for all our non-member friends, and we'll let you know about that soon. Oh, and did someone say SPECIALS!? That's right $3 "Tall Boys" and $5 Specialty Cocktails for us from 7PM until 10PM! That's when the bar will open up to the public, and their DJ will start getting his freak on!

Photo(s) of the Week:_____________________________________________

Balls of Glory hanging out at the field:
From Week 4

Team SAAS being classy at the bar:
From Week 4

Morningwood Taking home the trophy:
From Week 4

If you look closely you can see members of B.O.G. hanging out at the bar in this pic:
From Week 4

Pointless Predictions:____________________________________________

1) As I'm taking almost every method of transit on my way back to SF from Montreal, I will make the prediction that my travel will go smoothly, and without incident, because it'd be really great if that happened.
2) Week 5 will be the first weekend of no forfeits, but the games will not count against teams either way.
3) Balls of Glory will kick everyone's butt in the bar at flip cup, then start a bar fight, steal our women (or men), and ride off into the sunset like the cowboys in those old western movies.
3) Matt Sullivan is headed to Europe, and although his departure will be felt by Morningwood, it will not prevent them from being any less obnoxious, or dominant.
4) Team SAAS will form a posse to hunt down their missing Flabongo, and bring all thieves in to face justice (and/or their wrath).
5) Drunken makeouts happen at a record level down at Blackthorn due to the intermixing of teams/players this weekend.
6) Rob Ray shows up bare-chested and doesn't remember how that happened.

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:____________________________________

Josh, I hope this was a warm-up pitch:
From Week 4

Frisco Donkey's "bringing Sexy Back since August 3, 2008"
From Week 4

This is pretty hardcore:
From Week 4

"They can take our Flabongos, but they can never take our FREEEEDOM!"
From Week 4

Rob Ray being Rob Ray at the bar:
From Week 4

Players of the Week:______________________________________________

Captains submit your players of the week to!

Balls of Glory selected Charles Chen as their Player of the Week, due to his spectacular over the shoulder catch that rivaled the timeless 1982 Dwight Clark catch at Candlestick Park, it was all the more spectacular when you consider the game didn't actually count. We thusly rewarded him with a pitcher of beer and a rousing rendition of Journey's "Small Town Girl". Overall it was a great team effort, and that deserves kudo's all around.

The 12-Step Sloshers selected Angela Hastings as their Player of the Week, for showing up in the nick of time to save their team from certain forfeit. Not only did she show up fashionably late, but nonetheless on-time, she also came bearing gifts! That's the way of a true baller my friends, you've got a good team player right there.

The SF Natives vote to have Michelle Miles & Jacob "Awesome Dude" Stillman as their Players of the Week, because they represent what their team is all about; kicking ass and being awesome, respectively.

Quick Kicks:____________________________________________________

1) Mid-Season Party is at BUTTER on October 4th! Get psyched up for that and our for our White Trash theme week!
2) We're raising money for charity. Yes, that's correct. We'll be helping out others instead of ourselves for once. INSANITY! Deets on that soon too.
3) If you're upset about your squad not getting any love on the blog, its cause your team leaders don't participate by submitting info. So players hassle your team captains, and captains shoot me an e-mail after each Sunday. Thanks!
4) The theme for October 5th, which is Superheroes, as decided by the readers/voters in our poll has been moved to September 28th!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 3

Lots of forfeits in Week 3. Just a tip for everyone, try to carpool, take public transit and/or get to the field early. Parking's gonna be a pain in the butt this fall.


Captains send recaps, recaps end up here. Captains don't send recaps, your team gets no love ( and don't forget to send in player of the week nominations too!

SF Natives:
We went all out at the bar in celebration of another team victory Sunday against the Frisco Donkeys. Twice the Donkeys had bases loaded, and never once did they make it across home plate. Thanks to our impenetrable defense, we shut 'em out with a final score of 5 to 0. We rock Donkey balls!

Balls of Glory:
Balls of Glory unfortunately had to forfeit due to the horrendous parking conditions! Only 5 people were lucky enough to find parking. However, a few team members were lucky enough to discover a huge parking garage at 2nd and Irving. Its $3 for the first hour (Parking Garage Website). You're welcome, and you can thank us all on Sunday. :)

Team Deathballs:
I think the captains for the Deathballs might actually be, in fact, dead!

Team SAAS:
The team arrived late this week due to our stressful and fulfilling aid work for starving children in Africa. Thereafter WAKA regulations caused the team to receive a forfeit, but we still played an AMAZING game winning 4,598,438 to 3 over the Deathballs. Despite this past weekend's turn of events we plan to continue our work to help starving children, and kick ass at kickball.

Also, we have a special bulletin! We are missing a very integral member to our team, if found, would you please return to June Mangers. She's a pink, stylish facilitator-of-intoxication and mascot to our team. She answers to the name of Flabongo. Our team does not negotiate with terrorists, so we are premptively issuing a warning in place of a reward; if she is not returned within the coming week, we will ransom the league funds and suspend any and all season parties.

(With 2 members of the Social Chair Committee on their team, they could do it too. Whoever has that Flabongo, make damn sure you return it!)

12 Step Sloshers:
Breaking News! The 12 Step Sloshers are dominating the world by forfeit! Yeah, that's right, be jealous! We're in 1st place and we didn't even have to do anything to earn it, besides finding a good parking spot and eating jello-shots! Take that Morningwood! Looks like your face chalk isn't so intimidating now.

Sleazy Bandeezee:
Jeremiah Boehner, get off your butt and send me a recap.

Frisco Donkeys:
Step up your game and shoot me your deets.

Lost by forfeit to 12 Step Sloshers, but despite being short-handed won the scrimmage thereafter, and kicked butt in the bar (as always). After last weekend's shenanigans in Vegas we've got victory and a return trip to World Championships on our mind! You've all been warned!

Mid-Season Party: ______________________________________________

We're having our Mid-Season Party this fall at Butter on (TBA: Working over deets right now. More news next week)!

This party's going on in coordination with one of our theme weeks on (TBA). That theme is going to be White Trash. Butter is a trendy spot, known for repping the white-trash genre to the maximum! Take a look at their website (particularly the menu) and you'll catch our drift!

Go big or go home gang! Feel free to dress up at Butter for the theme, but definitely come prepared that following Sunday! The team with the most players dressed in support of our theme week gets money for pitchers of beer at our sponsor bar, the Blackthorn Tavern!

Need tips on how to look the part? Check out pics from this google search to get your ideas flowing: White Trash Party

Get pumped people! More details on the actual date of the event soon! Including specials!

Photo(s) of the Week:_____________________________________________

Flip Cup Action

Vertigo taking over the bar!

Pointless Predicitions:____________________________________________

1) Less teams will forfeit this weekend. I'm a bit shaky on this prediction to be honest with you.
2) Balls of Glory will post on Sunday, play, and then vanish without a trace. (All kidding aside, we like you guys, why don't you play with us on the field and in the bar too? We don't bite! Well most of us don't!)
3) 12-Step Sloshers will win the regular season purely on forfeits.
4) Morningwood may or may not attack Matt (the league pres) for calling a forfeit on their behalf again.
5) Sarah Ovies, of Vertigo and team Morningwood, will go down in history as the first chick to be wed during the Kickball World Championships.
6) Her husband Clint will legally change his name and move to a new city, once the annulment papers are filed of course...
7) Rob Ray will shave a new symbol into his chest by the end of this season. Until then, he will been seen without a shirt on at every innoportune moment.
8) I will learn the definition of innoportune, and thereafter use it every chance I get.
9) Alpha Bar will start up again... Soon. Sooner than later, I'm pretty sure.
10) I will run out of things to predict for this week.
11) Done!

Ridiculous Photo(s) of the Week:____________________________________

Photo of Flabongo that went missing in action.

No amount of alcohol will wash this image away!


Players of the Week:______________________________________________

Captains submit your players of the week to!

Everyone who forayed the impenetrable ring of parked cars around Golden Gate Park this past Sunday, and made it to their games (either on time, or way late after foraging for parking). Sunday really got out of hand gang, I mean people in San Francisco have an ungodly amount of love for opera music! Lets avoid issues like that again, if you're driving I'd advise you to try and get to the park 30 minutes early this Sunday!

Quotes of the Week:______________________________________________

Submit quotes you overheard this weekend to!

Quick Kicks:____________________________________________________

1) Mid-Season Party is at BUTTER! Get psyched up for that and our for our White Trash theme week!
2) We're raising money for charity. Yes, that's correct. We'll be helping out others instead of ourselves for once. INSANITY! Deets on that soon too.
3) If you're upset about your squad not getting any love on the blog, its cause your team leaders don't participate by submitting info. So players hassle your team captains, and captains shoot me an e-mail after each Sunday. Thanks!
4) The theme for October 5th is Superheroes as decided by the readers/voters in last week's poll.